Top 5 Marketing Mistakes: Not Having a Long-Term Digital Marketing Strategy – Online Sales Guide Tips
Marketing plays a major role in the development of any kind of business and service. But companies and new entrepreneurs make blunder marketing errors which can affect the foundation of their business. Get to know about the top 5 marketing mistakes you might make in your business. There are added hints about long-term digital marketing strategies and online sale guide tips for E-commerce businesses.
Why is marketing important for a business?
Whatever the kind of business it is, people should first know about it. Marketing helps to bring awareness about your business/products/services to your customers. Only then your business will start to pick up giving you revenue
Your business development is possible only via proper marketing campaigns followed and executed. Without appropriate marketing, your business might even collapse.
What are the common marketing mistakes that businesses and entrepreneurs make?
Marketing mistakes can happen at any point. Correcting the marketing errors promptly can save a lot of money. Most of the marketing errors you might commit will fall within the below-mentioned 5 marketing mistakes,
- Not properly Strategizing the 5 P’s of marketing.
- Lack of USP.
- Not having a Long-Term digital marketing Strategy.
- Providing Subpar Customer Service.
- Failure of the Marketing Plan.
These 5 marketing mistakes are explained below. Be aware and try not to commit these marketing mistakes.
- Not properly Strategizing the 5 P’s of marketing
The foundation and starting process in any business starts with the Marketing Mix. The marketing mix theory was historically focused around 4 P’s in marketing which then evolved to 5 P’s, 7 P’s and 8 P’s.
The 8 P’s in marketing are:
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- Process
- People
- Physical evidence
- Performance
All these 8 P’s should be analysed and strategized before starting any business. Clear-cut planning using marketing research and testing should be done to conclude the 8 P’s of the marketing mix in accordance with your business model.
Every business will have a different niche of the 8 P’s. Finding them out precisely can help in easy business development and can save your money, effort and time. Many difficulties will arise in the business if mistakes are made at this stage. So, be very peculiar in correctly strategizing the market mix.
What is the marketing mix and why is it so important in strategy formulation and implementation?
The marketing mix is the set of rules that are followed to make the marketing successful. The updated marketing mix has 8P’s in marketing mentioned above. The marketing mix is the base and plays the main role in strategy formulation and implementation which is the main part of the business development.
2. Lack of USP
USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. Whatever product or service that needs to be marketed needs a very specific USP. It defines your business. Your product and services should stand out from your other competitors.
Without USP it is difficult to frame an inspiring marketing campaign. This leads to fewer sales and decreased customer retention. So, when you start your business and strategize your marketing campaign, it is important to define clearly your USP.
Why is USP important in business?
Without a proper USP, your business will fail and collapse. You can not show your customers what you are specialized in and why they need to buy your products and services. You cannot see business development and gain profits from a business which does not have a proper USP.
3. Not having a Long-Term digital marketing Strategy
Digital marketing is gaining importance in this digital era. Miracles cannot happen in short term. Whatever the marketing strategy is, it needs consistency. The same applies to digital marketing too. A consistent digital marketing strategy is the need of the hour. Plan properly your digital marketing strategy for the long term to make your business successful.
Digital marketing for E-Commerce business
Digital marketing is most important for E-commerce businesses as it is digital-based. A proper digital marketing strategy is most essential for an E-commerce business or it is difficult, even for the basic sales to happen. Follow the Online sale guide tips given below to increase your E-commerce business.
Online Sales Guide Tips
- Have a proper long-term digital marketing strategy.
- Increase the subscribers and followers on your social media platforms.
- Provide impressive discounts periodically to attract more customers.
- Run Ad campaigns on social media and print media.
- Follow up with the customers properly via E-mail marketing, this increases client retention.
- Be active in the E-commerce selling platforms and properly manage the inventory of your products.
- Provide the best customer service possible.
Our company Repute is a top E-commerce marketing agency India. We have successfully brought in more profits for many of our clients with an E-commerce business.
Why do businesses fail in digital marketing?
Businesses fail when they do digital marketing without knowing what to do. In such cases, you can hire a trusted digital marketing agency and business development consultants like Repute digital business agency. They can help you in correctly formulating and executing digital marketing services for ecommerce.
4. Providing Subpar Customer Service
Many businesses fail to understand the importance of customer service and think that does not play a much greater role. This attitude in business is completely wrong. Customers like Brands with good customer service. When they feel your competitor provides better customer service than you, they will not consider you thereafter. So, it is important to consider customer service as the main part of marketing.
Why Customer Service is important?
Customer service makes customers feel more connected with our brand as they feel the ease of solving any problems easily with us. This increases client retention and client satisfaction for any business or service.
5. Failure of the Marketing Plan
Even though you have planned all the things properly, your marketing plan might fail due to some flaws. Have the confidence to analyse it, correct it and implement your new marketing plan. Learn from your mistakes which will give you resourceful experiences.
Some major companies have committed marketing mistakes that were a blunder. Some have lost their business, but some have corrected their mistakes and are still in the market like Nestle.
Finally, whatever a business be, that too in a big market like India where all the MNC companies come here to flourish their businesses, a strong marketing campaigning is essential. When you find difficulty in marketing it’s a very much better option to hire a good agency with a consulting service to do that job.
We, the Repute digital business agency, have years of good experience and specialization in formulating winning marketing strategies. We are also a renowned Business Marketing Consultant company.
When a client approaches us for marketing, we do a complete analysis and market research of our client’s company. We formulate customized marketing strategies for each of our clients as their business models and needs differ. This unique characteristic makes us the trusted digital marketing agency in India. We are also experts in business development consulting services.